Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bloody Foreland Co. Donegal

Great day again so that means another walk and wandering around.
Today we decided to go to Bloody Foreland.
Living up there looks like back in time.

The scenery is magnificent
Special on a day like this.

 Bloody Foreland owns his name because the sunset coloured the cliffs red
even now during the day they have the beautiful colour red brown.
Stones are everywhere over here
Seems the Cows are feeling at home over there
Look at the lovely stone walls
And of course there are sheep.
Again a lovely day.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer day

Today another summer day, that's why the walk is with some beaches and water.
These photo's are made with my phone so they are not the best, but good enough.
In the distance you see Downings Co. Donegal.
 The sky was blue the ocean was even more blue
 Buster is really enjoying the water, especially when he find a empty water bottle

....Now come out of the water we so we can go further on.:-)

 We always love to come here, so beautiful!!
We had a great day.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Walk in Ards Forest Co. Donegal

The weather today was really nice. We decided to go for a long walk in Ards Forest.
We walked the Red Trail and this is about 15.50 km.
It took us almost 3 and 1/2 hours with  all the climbing up and down.
But the views were amazing and just to be out and about was great.

This was the first time this year that we packed our lunch. We sat down on an old tree to have a nice sandwich and coffee. (and enjoying the songs of the birds around us.)
The dogs got their share to, (dog food.)

The Gorse (wind bushes) smelled lovely. Would be a great perfume.

Buster enjoyed himself, with hide and seek

Such a lovely light green colour, the new leaves of a tree


We could see the fish swimming in the river


kick the bottle...please!
It was a great day.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Back again...

Hi there, trying to keep on blogging again was very busy with nothing and everything.
Last week we had family over and then we walk allot.

The very dark clouds you see over here didn't get us, we stayed dry and even the sun came out.
The first two pictures were made in Ards Forest Co. Donegal a great and peaceful place for walking.

 Always love this view and it's different every time I come here.
The next pictures were made in Glenveagh National Park Co. Donegal

So, hope o be back soon.
Slán Henny